Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Obscure Sellout

Good evening everyone, 

So if you're a long-time reader, you might have noticed that there have been some changes around here—a new look for one. I want you all to know that I remain passionate about reading books and telling you all about my impressions of them here on WIO.

That being said, WIO does represent a significant investment in time for me, and Webhosting, even for a little site like this, isn't free. These costs are manageable, and to be honest, this is mostly a passion project for me, and I expect it to remain as such. However, I wanted to officially acknowledge that starting this year, I am monetizing this website in a minor way by including Amazon Affiliate links, from which if you purchase a book through one of the links you might find on WIO, I will earn a small commission.

There are a lot of opinions about Amazon, and I respect that. I personally use Amazon in many ways and am grateful for the opportunities they have provided me as a blogger and an independent author. That being said, if you don't use any of my affiliate links, ever, there are no hard feelings.

First and foremost, I hope you enjoy what I do here and wish to continue to read along with me.    

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