Monday, March 28, 2022

Micro Mention "There Are No Countries"

Marshall Smith

"There Are No Countries," by Marshall Smith, is the kind of weird sci-fi story that keeps you on your heels. It starts with a living statue telling you the story of how he became a statue, and I honestly could say I didn't anticipate most of the twists that story entails.

It's been a fair amount of time since my full review of Smith's book, and upon further reflection, I still can't say it was one of my favorites, but what I respect about the experience is I still remember it pretty well. It has this sticking power to latch on in your mind and memory that genuinely impressed me. I've read a few books since this one, as you might imagine a book blogger might, and a lot of them I don't remember half as well as the enigmatic "There Are No Countries." 

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